We think one of the most important things we do is educate the public about wildlife. Guided tours of Utopia's facility are by appointment only. We have curricula in science, Indiana history, arts in nature, and reading programs. We'll also visit your school, group, or public event with our live animal ambassadors. Call for prices and availability. You can see for yourself how incredible these creatures are!

In an ideal world we would love to be able to rehabilitate every creature that is sick or injured and release them back into the wild where they belong. Sometimes an animal is injured in such a way that it is unable to be released. So, while these animals couldn't fend for themselves in the wild, they can live a healthy, useful and long life in captivity helping the public to understand how nature works. When an animal is deemed non-releasable, Utopia Wildlife Rehabilitators has the necessary State and Federal permits and training, to be able to use it for educational purposes.
It must be stressed that these creatures will always be wild and should never kept as pets. Unfortunately, some people still believe they can keep a wild animal as a pet even though it is in violation of State and Federal laws, and there are heavy penalties for doing so.